Florida/FL/Fla Power & Light/FPL Outdoor Warning Test : Florida Power & Light will be performing the quarterly siren test @/at 12n/12 noon/12noon on Thursday December 5, 2024/D5, Test will involve one-minute sounding of all 91 sirens within 10-mile SL/Saint Lucie/St Lucie Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Planning Zone/EPZ, Before & after sirens sound, message will be broadcast on the sirens’ public-address system stating, “This is Only a Test.” FP&L & St Lucie County/SLCo/SLC/Saint Lucie Co regularly test (at/@ least once/one time/1 time monthly) siren system to improve public awareness of its function and ensure its operability, In unlikely event of actual emergency @/at Saint Lucie Co/St Lucie County/SLCo/SLC plant, sirens would sound for @/at least five-minute/5-minute period, Official Instructions or Information would follow on Local Radio & TV/Television

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